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Custom Software for Agriculture

The agricultural industry is becoming increasingly data driven and automated, which means custom software has recently become a big player. Today,...

Project Management

What is Project Roadmapping?

Project roadmapping is the most valuable thing you can do for your project. It is the best way to figure out what you need to build (and what you...

Project Management

Fixed-Bid Vs Time and Materials

There are two main ways we structure projects at Bixly depending on our clients’ needs. Andrew and Cris talk about the differences between these two...


Get User Feedback FAST with an MVP

Cris and Andrew get passionate about the value that MVPs bring your product. In this episode of Tech Tuesday, they describe different kinds of MVPs...


Why Your Tech Stack Matters

At Bixly, our core tech stack has been well established for many years. We’ve been programming in Python/Django for well over 10 years and using...

Project Management

Budgeting for Your Project

Here at Bixly we like to be as transparent as possible about what it really costs to build a custom piece of software, because we think it is...

Project Management

What is Project Roadmapping?

Project roadmapping (previously called the Discovery Phase) is something that we talk about a lot because it is extremely valuable and important! It...

Project Management

Do You Need to be a Tech Expert to Build an App?

As always with any nuanced and thoughtful discussion, the answer to this question is, “It depends.” It depends on how you go about building an app....


Should You Build a Custom Admin?

There have been several projects we have worked on in which a custom admin was either a huge milestone for the project or was the entire project...


The ONLY Two Business Reasons to Build an App

Having been in the business of building apps since 2008, we have been able to distill viable apps into two categories. They are built for one of only...