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How To Get User Feedback

The point of an MVP is to get feedback on your idea before you spend all your money. In order to do that you need strategies for collecting user...


How (and Why) to Make a No/Low Code MVP

We feel that no/low code solutions are an excellent fit for many MVP projects. It keeps the timeline and price reasonable.


Review of Bravo, A Low Code Platform

Bravo has a really unique implementation. It actually leverages Figma designs by using AI to translate them into code.


Do You Need Headless eCommerce?

Headless eCommerce decouples the front and the backend, using an API to connect them, which allows for a variety of applications, third-party...


Your Proof of Concept

A proof of concept is an experiment, test, or early version that validates assumptions. It should contain research to identify the viability of an...


Viewer Request: All About Google Pay

Google Pay is an app that enables users to pay using their compatible phones, watches, or tablets. It's also integrated into Google Chrome.


UI/UX Web Design Trends of 2022

One dollar investment in UX renders an average return of $100. Let's take a look at key UI/UX trends that you should consider for your web project.