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About Us

Hello World! Tales From the Newbie’s Desk

Hey all! My name is Aaron K. and I’m one of Bixly’s newest Front End Developers. I’ve had the pleasure of working with this wacky, talented, group of...

About Us

Building the Bixly Team

The topic of a recent meeting was what could be done to further the growth of the tech industry in Fresno. The question was posed to us, “What does...


Stashboard Clone

What is Stashboard? For those of you that don’t know, Stashboard is an open source status page that runs on Google App Engine. It can be customized...


MQTT and Nebri

What is MQTT? MQTT is a network protocol used for device to device messaging. Once a server is set up, you can subscribe to topics. Once a...


Controlling Stripe With Python And Rules

Are you interested in controlling Stripe based on rules? Maybe if a customer has been there for so long, they get a discount, or some billing change...

JQuery Client Library

Interested in connecting your jQuery to your Nebri instance? We would like to provide these two helper libraries to kick start your efforts. jQuery...


Marketing Automation With Rules And Events

As you know, there is a HUGE selection of Marketing Automation tools available. I am writing to show you a programmatic approach to accomplish...


Build Event Driven Architecture (EDA) in Python

Event Driven Architecture (EDA) is an alternative to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Rather than summarizing the pros vs the cons, I would point...