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Projecting Your Voice to Land a Career

As a recruiter, I am fortunate to meet many people on a daily basis. One of the things that tends to come through is the ability to pick up on...

Science Backs Up Bixly!

I love this article that just came out on Slashdot entitled: Happy Software Developers Solve Problems Better Checkout the article on Slashdot. There...

About Us

Rockin’ the Djangos in Fresno

I just wanted to show everyone around. Our office is always changing, so here is the latest look:

The New Office Etiquette

The folks over at job-board site www.monster.com have shared 12 rules for the workplace regarding etiquette. Even though most employees know to...


Stigmergy Is Magic

From Wikipedia: Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions.[1] The principle is that the trace left in the...


Automation Engine With Python

What’s interesting is that the word automation is so attractive, yet it seems to mean almost anything. It’s in danger of meaning nothing. But we all...


Pitching Django To Your Manager

Luckily we run into people that have already made the decision to use Django even before calling in, but you might not be in that boat. How do you...


Awesome forms with django-crispy-forms

Django-crispy-forms is a third-party Django application which lets you create beautiful forms in “a very elegant and DRY way”. Best of all—you don’t...

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer

When I started in web development, Gnome terminal and its tab interface were the tools I used for my terminal needs. We can say that web development...


What More Can You Do With Zapier?

I think Zapier is a killer service. Also if you haven’t seen IFTTT you should do that. It’s kinda what like what Apple is to PC, IFTTT is to Zapier....