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About Us

Get to Know Aaron

Get to know Aaron, who started in markup and design, and who has added to his skills as a frontend developer. He’s also a new dad, an artist, a...


How to Plan for App Accessibility

Whether it’s considering users who may be differently abled or even the user’s unique experience with the app, such as wearing gloves or goggles or...


What to Think About Before You Go Viral

Getting the balance right on being prepared to scale your project but not being overly prepared (i.e. wasting money on excessive hosting) can be...

Let’s Talk about Algorithms

Algorithms are simply statements of logic chained together, but where they get really powerful is when machine learning is implemented in them as...


The Best Programming Languages for Web

The best programming languages for web are the ones we see having staying power. They are flexible, fast, and well supported. Here we talk about our...

About Us

Get to Know Alexandra

Alexandra joined Bixly after working with Bixly on a website that allowed teachers to use interactive curricula online in the classroom. She also...

How to Spot High Quality Code

There’s a significant difference between “code that works” and “high quality code”. It really comes down to how you want to spend your time (and...

About Us

Get to Know Sone

Get to know Sone, who transferred from hardware and IT, to programming and web development. Sone also enjoys gaming and disc golf! Full Transcript...

Project Management

The Roles of Your Tech Team

We’ve talked about a few of the tech roles in the past, like project managers or product owners, but today we take a look at the team overall. What...