
Conversations on Tech Stacks Plus Storybook, CSS Grid Guides, and other Small Tools

Written by Alexandra Lauber | Dec 18, 2020 8:00:00 AM

So our team has a bit of a wandering eye problem when it comes to technology. We love to be curious and continuously learn technology. Our team kicked off the week with a fun discussion comparing Pug, React, and Svelte, with the consensus being that everyone is interested in trying Svelte on a new project for its speed. They also said Pug works fine on projects that are static and don’t require state management, but it’s a bit older. We work with React a lot. It is fast and handles the state management that Pug does not. The team also suggested using Python with template rendering, like Jinja in place of a static site, which then also led the team to suggest Flask. On the Node side, a comparable suggestion was Nunjucks. This then led to a discussion of Elm and Clojure, as well as where the tech trends are right now versus what most programmers tend to prefer.

We shared this article about using Angular and Storybook.  Our team remarked that Storybook is really nice for documenting your components and see them in action. It’s also nice to have because you have an isolated environment when creating a new component. The downsides are their MDX format that you have to write it in. It is very brittle; even the wrong amount of spaces could lead to their parser throwing  errors. We use storybook for one of our client’s component documentation.

We also talked about a tool for CSS Grid Guides. Our team thinks this looks pretty interesting. CSS Grid is a pretty hot and new CSS technology. Only downside is Chrome Devtools has a similar functionality built-in to the browser, and if other browsers don’t they probably will soon, so that might limit this libary’s usability.

We also shared these two tools: icon font generator and JS bundler. As well as this library.

Finally we shared about the discussions feature on Github and the Emacs 2020 survey, along with this fun little tool to change your Emacs theme.