
A Walk Through 4 Django Development Tutorials

Written by Staff | Oct 8, 2013 7:00:00 AM

Django is a Python-based web framework with excellent tutorials available online.

Most Django development tutorials are geared for someone who’s fresh off of a dedicated CMS like Drupal or WordPress. Given that’s where the influx of Django developers are coming from, there are many resources supporting that transition.

The other direction that Django tutorials come from is from the programming side, rather than the web-app-development side. They’re there to take someone who’s comfortable with Python code and get them up to speed on all of the add-ons that Django brings.

Django development tutorials from the programming side can be impenetrable to someone who hasn’t had formal training in programming, relying on the student to understand how Python loads libraries.

If you’re serious about getting a working knowledge or becoming proficient in Django, check out these 5 Django development tutorials.

1. Learn Python the Hard Way

Because Django is built with the Python programming language, and Python isn’t always installed on every computer system, make sure you aren’t sabotaging your Django tutorials—be sure to download some basic Python tutorials from the Python Foundation and, at the very least make sure you have Python installed correctly.

One excellent Python tutorial is Zed Shaw’s “Learn Python the Hard Way”, which walks you through the basics of Python 2.7, and most importantly, makes a good walk through of how to install Python for people who aren’t familiar with manual installation of command line programs.

2. The “Polls” Tutorial

The most basic Django tutorial is the official “Django Tutorial” which is also called the “Polls” tutorial.

3. Net Tuts: Build A Project Out of Apps

Django development is all about building projects out of apps. A project calls instances of apps, and apps are designed to do one or two functions well, and be re-used by the project.

A good overview of this can be found at Net Tuts

In Python, a lot of effort has been put into place to make coding easy. There’s usually only one way to do something in Python, and in Python, having programs call other programs is very simple.

This is meant to encourage Python developers (and not just those working with Django) to write very simple, easy-to-maintain programs, and call those programs from other frameworks—rather than try to make a single, monolithic pile of code that does everything.

4. Getting Started With Django

Once you’ve completed (or mostly completed) “Learning Python The Hard Way” and the “Polls” tutorial, move on to “Getting Started With Django”.

This tutorial focuses on developing in the Virtual Box environment, and on the current best practices with the Django framework, including libraries that every Django developer uses.