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Building a Team with Gender Diversity

At Bixly, it’s important for us to have a culture where any person of any background can succeed on our team. That means cultivating a culture of...


How to Best Employ DevOps on Your Project

Devops is a hot topic in tech right now. In this episode, we talk about what is devops, how it helps your project, and what your expectations should...

Project Management

What You Need To Know When Blending Teams

Staff Augmentation often happens when we are coming alongside your existing team. This could be to fill a gap, work on a backlog project, or to work...


How Much Do You Need to Know to Build an App?

We suggest having a familiarity with how software projects are structured and then finding great experts to work with. Otherwise, having a background...

Project Management

Budgeting Time for Your App

Before starting your project, it’s important to have realistic expectations of how long it takes to make custom software (and therefore how much it...

Project Management

Which is better? Domestic versus Overseas Team

Using domestic or overseas teams really depends on your budget, timeline, and how excellent your communication is. There is no one right answer here,...

Project Management

Communication is Key to Your Project Success

Having excellent communication can make or break your project. Cris and Andrew discuss best practices, helpful tools, and some pitfalls to look out...


You Need Wireframes for Your App

Wireframes are among the best and cheapest tools for refining and defining your app idea. They can often be a great place to start getting feedback...