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Draftbit Review

This week we review the low-code solution, Draftbit. Draftbit is our personal favorite platform on the market. Let's see the pros, the cons, and...


Django Messages

Displaying simple messages to users is an easy way to keep a user informed and confident while using your website or application. Throughout my time...


3 Digital Trends for 2023

These are the top three trends that we think will be key in 2023. To be fair, they are not new in 2023 but rather continuations of trends that we...


AI: An Interview with ChatGPT

Robots are taking over! Run!! Wait... that might be an exaggeration. However, AI or artificial intelligence can be capable of surprising you. ChatGPT...


Automated Testing Tools

Automation testing is a critical aspect of software development. It allows you to make sure your code works as intended and won't break when someone...


UX for Web 3.0

The term Web 3.0 has been around since the early 2000s, but it has evolved to reflect a wide array of potential applications and approaches. In this...


Review of Appgyver, A Low Code Platform

Appgyver is one of the most popular low-code platforms. It also has the backing of some major players in business tech. But how do we feel it stacks...