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Your Proof of Concept

A proof of concept is an experiment, test, or early version that validates assumptions. It should contain research to identify the viability of an...


Viewer Request: All About Google Pay

Google Pay is an app that enables users to pay using their compatible phones, watches, or tablets. It's also integrated into Google Chrome.


UI/UX Web Design Trends of 2022

One dollar investment in UX renders an average return of $100. Let's take a look at key UI/UX trends that you should consider for your web project.


Debugging Python With PDB

Debugging code isn’t always fun but it doesn’t have to be difficult.


Top e-Commerce Features

Are you planning an e-commerce app? Here are several key features you should consider for your build.

Project Management

Protecting Your Customer's ROI

We believe our customer's success is our success. Here are a few ways we protect our customer's ROI.


Top 7 Fintech Trends of 2022

These are seven key trends we see in fintech in 2022. The most important trend to pay attention to is the increasing regulation of the industry.

Project Management

5 Ways to Invest in Professional Development

Here are five ways that we invest in our team. Some of these are specific to engineers, but they are still great examples of how to grow your team.