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Top e-Commerce Features

Are you planning an e-commerce app? Here are several key features you should consider for your build.


Top 7 Fintech Trends of 2022

These are seven key trends we see in fintech in 2022. The most important trend to pay attention to is the increasing regulation of the industry.


Top 5 Tech Trends of 2022

Today Cris and Andrew highlight 5 tech trends that we are seeing in 2022 from blockchain to DevOps and security and green technology.


The Future of Blockchain

Today Cris and Cody debate the question where will blockchain be in the next 5 years? We have some controversial opinions to share. Where do you...


All About Produce Tech

Produce audit apps are just one example of business process apps that help businesses save money and time, streamline processes, and capture valuable...


Don’t Miss These Trends in Retail Tech

Here are five tech trends we are seeing gaining traction in retail. Have you seen these trends? Did we miss any tech retail trends that you know of?...


5 Ways Tech is Transforming Medicine

It’s exciting to see when tech continually makes inroads in such observably beneficial ways. Here are five ways tech is impacting patient outcomes...


Agtech Insights

We share our experience at the 2022 World Ag Expo as well as what we learned there. We discuss some of the current market of agtech as well as some...


Tech, Your Business, and Operational Efficiency

Nothing gets us fired up as much as helping businesses implement tech solutions that help them with their core company. At a high level, we see over...


What is the Metaverse?

With Facebook’s new branding, everyone is talking about the Metaverse. But what is the metaverse? What does it mean for technology? How will it...