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Forbes and Bixly Have a Connection

A couple of months ago, Forbes published an article of the 5 most sought-after personality traits in new-hires. They were: professionalism,...

About Us

End-of-Year Success Review!

We’re very fortunate to have had some great success this year at Bixly. The end of the year is always a great time to reflect on some of our...

Does Facebook Matter?

Social media is considered a vital frontier in multiple facets of business. Marketing departments utilize social media as a critical part of their...

Project Management

Why Prolance?

As a recruiter, I interact with plenty of developers who wonder whether they should pursue freelance positions, or consider a position where they can...

About Us

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

This is another of my favorite questions as a recruiter. While it’s easy to come up with an answer to this, especially since you probably know the...

The Question of Private vs. Public Domain

There is an ongoing debate in the world of recruiting and hiring regarding Social Media. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a recruiter, candidate,...


I hate vegetables, but this is different. Hungry people usually do not want to be kept waiting for food. People hate waiting, especially when they do...

Django Chronograph

In this recipe, I will be writing all I know about using the django-chronograph app for your websites. Django-chronograph is Django’s way of doing...


Django Unit Testing with Vim

The last post we’ve shared included setting up & using Vim for Python/Django-related development. I’ll assume throughout the guide that you’ve been...