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Managed Hosting: What You Need to Know

Automated hosting is kind of like flying a plan with just an autopilot. Managed hosting is like flying a plane with both a trained pilot and...


What are Code Audits Good For?

Code audits are a low cost, low investment process that will help your project maintain consistency and meet industry standard practices. Unless...


How to Best Employ DevOps on Your Project

Devops is a hot topic in tech right now. In this episode, we talk about what is devops, how it helps your project, and what your expectations should...


Document Automation – Can it be customized?

We at Bixly are excited with the progress of Automate and would like to share some of our challenges and conquests along the way. Bixly Automate is a...


Showpy Episode 1: Fabric

This week Ryan guides us through Fabric, a Python tool to stream SSH commands to remote servers for various administration tasks. It allowed Ryan to...