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Custom Software for Agriculture

The agricultural industry is becoming increasingly data driven and automated, which means custom software has recently become a big player. Today,...


Get User Feedback FAST with an MVP

Cris and Andrew get passionate about the value that MVPs bring your product. In this episode of Tech Tuesday, they describe different kinds of MVPs...


Why Your Tech Stack Matters

At Bixly, our core tech stack has been well established for many years. We’ve been programming in Python/Django for well over 10 years and using...


Should You Build a Custom Admin?

There have been several projects we have worked on in which a custom admin was either a huge milestone for the project or was the entire project...


The ONLY Two Business Reasons to Build an App

Having been in the business of building apps since 2008, we have been able to distill viable apps into two categories. They are built for one of only...


BeGreat: Using Simplicity to Enhance Efficacy

Since working with Bixly, the BeGreat app has pivoted to a new concept, however version one of the app is still a wonderful example of how a simple...


How to Tell If Your Dev Shop is Trustworthy

In our blog about determining if you should make an internal hire or work with a team like Bixly’s, we talked about how it can be challenging to...


Architecting Apps that Duplicate Human Processes

Bixly has recently been working on an app in the agricultural space that helps workers duplicate a process that was formerly done with good ol’ pen...