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Stigmergy Is Magic

From Wikipedia: Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions.[1] The principle is that the trace left in the...


Automation Engine With Python

What’s interesting is that the word automation is so attractive, yet it seems to mean almost anything. It’s in danger of meaning nothing. But we all...


Pitching Django To Your Manager

Luckily we run into people that have already made the decision to use Django even before calling in, but you might not be in that boat. How do you...


Awesome forms with django-crispy-forms

Django-crispy-forms is a third-party Django application which lets you create beautiful forms in “a very elegant and DRY way”. Best of all—you don’t...


What More Can You Do With Zapier?

I think Zapier is a killer service. Also if you haven’t seen IFTTT you should do that. It’s kinda what like what Apple is to PC, IFTTT is to Zapier....


Implementing A Rules Engine In Python

We have a couple options for implementing a rules engine in Python: we can roll our own, or we use an existing one. Regarding the first option, it...


Top Three Insights Why You Should Use Django

There are many options out there for a new project; they come in the form of languages, frameworks, concepts and paradigms. While many of them are...


A Walk Through 4 Django Development Tutorials

Django is a Python-based web framework with excellent tutorials available online. Most Django development tutorials are geared for someone who’s...