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When Django Oscar is Right For You

What is Oscar? If you’ve worked with Django before, you’ve probably heard of Oscar. Oscar is an ecommerce plugin. It allows your development team to...

About Us

Meet Cris!

If you’re one of our clients, you’ve certainly spent a lot of time talking with Cris. As Chief of Staff, Cris fulfills a hybrid role. Internally,...

We launched Overflow!

Overflow is a way to pay for your drinks in a busy bar. You can see the app here. It’s built in Ionic, using Angular. The back-end is written of...


Leveraging Blockchain

Bixly has partnered with an excellent company called QubeChain on a couple of projects that are actively leveraging blockchain technology. Recently,...


Stripe: Seamless and Secure

There are perhaps no two things more important to your customers than these two aspects, and if they are done properly they should never be overtly...


Business Automation Integration is Available Now

One thing we’ve discovered… is that we often end up saying “Automate can do anything!” It’s a wonderful thing to be able to say, but it’s a tough...


Document Automation – Can it be customized?

We at Bixly are excited with the progress of Automate and would like to share some of our challenges and conquests along the way. Bixly Automate is a...


Build the boat and make it look good too

That’s what the life of a front-end web developer often entails, so how exactly do they connect with each other? I’ll start with the process esteemed...